Arbitration Committee :
We have our Arbitration Committees headed by Shri Hemant K. Parekh. Committee has been
resolving the cases of any dispute between our members impartially, ultimately trying to make
amicable settlement between the members or give just award to parties.
GST / Taxation Committee :
Shri Sandeep T. Jain Convenor of this Committee with the able support of all his committee
members have been able to handle GST / Taxation matters competently and represent to
respective authorities problems faced by our trade. Acquaints members with latest amendments
in GST/ Ttaxation by circulars regularly.
P.R. & Law and Order Committee :
This committee headed by Shri Jayantilal M. Bafna, is handling public relations and law and
order situation. Committee maintains cordial relations with the Police, Municipality and other
Government Departments.
Mathadi Labour Committee :
This Committee works under the leadership of Respected Shri Surendrabhai N. Parikh, a person
who is working for past many years in the interest of Mathadi and the Trade equally. Committee
commands a name and respect in the minds of the labour and handles Mathadi problems
cordially with excellent relations with Mathadi Kamgar Board and their members.
Building / Property Committee :
Bombay Metal Exchange Ltd. acquired and renovated the Building where the Exchange office is
situated. This has been possible due to the hardwork of this Committee, specially the efforts of
Convenor Shri Ashok G. Bafna and Jt. Convenor Shri Sitalkumar T. Agarwal. This committee is
now looking forward to acquire all the rooms in the building for the expansion plans of our
Seminar Programme Committee:
This committee headed by Shri Mahendra H. Shah has organized various Seminars in the
interest of the Members of the Exchange.
Member Co-ordination Committee :
This committee headed by Shri Sushil R. Kothari has been formed to closely co-ordinate with the
members to understand and provide better services to the members.
IT Communication Committee :
The committee headed by Shri Sandeep T. Jain has been formed to provide faster
communication and services thorugh BME App, Website or Whatsapp.
BME Youth Committee :
This committee headed by Shri Mihir R. Parikh having young members has been formed to
organize events, interaction and exchange of new ideas for the promotion and expansion of our